WRS can host your next Online Survey for an affordable price and a quick turnaround! Why use WRS Online?
Robust: The software tool WRS invested to facilitate the online survey is one of the more robust online products available. Conveniently, the online survey tool can be a part of a mixed mode environment should you need both telephone and online concurrently using the same survey instrument. Very often the mixed mode environment is used to augment one mode. Complex skip patterns are handled with ease using the WRS online survey tool.
Cosmetics: Do you want to include your logo? We can have your professional look or our own, your choice! The HTML design is very professional and aesthetically pleasing. The survey can seem as if it came directly from you with even the email invitation including your email domain, should you need it to do so.
Picture Playing Capability: Should you need to display a .jpg file or video clip? We can take care of your needs with WRS Online!
Multi-Languages: Our online survey tool can handle multiple languages.
Non Response Checking: The survey tool can allow or not allow (your choice) no responses to certain questions